4 Tips To Achieve Top Search Engine Ranking

It is an open secret to every blogger; website owner as well as an internet marketer that driving traffics to his/her website/blog is a must if he/she wants to make sales. Usually, the targeted traffic could be paid for or obtained free. The free or organic traffic could be achieved by ensuring that your site is optimized to come up on the first page of search engine ranking; like Google, Yahoo!, MSN, etc.

Unfortunately, most marketers and bloggers alike are not getting it right when it comes to optimizing their websites for attracting quality organic traffic.

Consequently, I intend to share with you in this article tips that can assist you to get your website or blog to the top of search engine listing as well as increase your sales tremendously.

1. Optimize Your Home Page To Rank Well On Search Engine Ranking

The first step you might want to consider is to optimize your home page right from the onset. Its is to ensure that your site or blog can rank well on the search engine listing by coming up on the first page. Where your targeted visitors can see and access your site or blog instantly. Such as whenever they carry out a search of the terms or keywords that you are ranking for.

You must avoid the temptation to choke your home page with keywords. As in your quest to get to the top position on the search engines. It is necessary that you maintain a balance between what the search engines are looking for.  And what pleases the human visitors that come to your site. Otherwise, you might get top listing on the search engine. And still fail woefully to make money or sales from your website.

You should also realize the fact that putting up a scanty 100 words or so on your home page. Then it would definitely lead to poor search engine positioning of your website. The best word counts to have on your site to effectively appease the search engines. And also satisfying the yearnings of your human visitors would be between 300 and 400 words.

The truth of the matter is that getting your website to come up on the first page of search engine query results need not necessarily be a difficult task if you are willing to put additional efforts into learning simple website optimization techniques and also take necessary actions. You should endeavor to provide clear, concise, and useful information to your site visitors.

2. Give Clear and Unambiguous Information about Your Products To Attract Human Visitors To Your Website at search engine ranking

When you optimized your home page following the tips given above. You are guaranteed between the 1st to 10th position. On the first page of the search engine listing, provided you do it right.

However, occupying any of these positions does not guarantee that you will sell. Or that the visitors would be willing to buy your products. Unless you get the visitors interested enough in whatever products or services you are offering. The question then is how do you get the visitors interested in your offer?

Without mincing of words, what you need to do is to ensure that the visitor sticks long enough on your website. It is ensured by providing quality content, giving clear and unambiguous information about your product/services. And what your website is all about in such a way that it would assist the visitor in making an informed decision.

Similarly, ensure you provide functional and visible links to your product page and don’t forget to give a clear call to action. Let the visitors know what exactly you want him to do while on your site.

3. You Must Understand Your Prospective Customers Enough To Offer Relevant Products

If you don’t understand who the customers or would-be-visitors to your site are. It would be difficult for you to come up with the appropriate search terms or keywords that you can rank well for on the top search engines. As well as offering relevant and appropriate products or services.

It is equally important that you design your website for your visitors and not yourself. Otherwise you won’t make any sales or at best you might make very poor sales. You cannot just design your website hoping it would attract customers without a proper understanding. Who your target visitors are; how they use your site as well as what attracts or put them off.

You must provide a feedback system on your site. That would enable you to find out what your site visitors want in terms of product offering, customer service, pricing, policy terms, and conflict resolution, and so on. You need to know what are their buying patterns and taste preferences and how they navigate around your site.

4. Increase Your Sales By Allowing Customers And Visitors To Your Site To Communicate With You Easily

You must realize the fact that nothing annoys a customer other than his/her inability to communicate with you, especially when he/she needs additional information and support in order to effectively make use of your product or service, due to the non-availability of an effective feedback system or communication channel. You will not only lose such customers but also lots of referrals that could come from him.

Consequently, it is expedient that you provide your contact information such as mailing address, telephone number, and email address that you access often, preferably daily on your website for easy access by your visitors and customers alike.

That is all, I have just provided you with proven tips that would ensure your website and blogs rank well on search engine listings whilst also ensure that you increase your sales. This list given here is by no means exhaustive but it would get you going on a good note.  That’s all for now, please feel free to get in touch for your query at info@aaranyaadvertising.com or visit www.aaranyaadvertising.com

Happy Reading !!

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